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New Hires this week 1/11/2023

Cedar Hat Blog Photo

Pronouced: eye-squwa-chee-eye-e-nook. It is a good day today! Please join me in welcoming this week's new hires. If you see them out and about, wish them a warm welcome. We have one re-hire and one new-hire. 

*link to hear the phrase is at the bottom

Akeeliah Morgan

Please join in me in Welcoming Akeeliah Morgan. She has accepted the position of On-call receptionist/Scheduler in our PGST Health Center. Welcome back Akeeliah! We wish you the best. 

How long have you worked for the Tribe?
A year

What excites you most about your newly acquired position?
What excites me the most is helping people and making sure they have whatever they need.

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
I play the harp
I love birds

Michael Hjert

Here is our new hire Michael Hjert. Michael Hjert has accepted the position of Grounds Keeper/Maintenance for the Tribe's Facilities department. Welcome Michael!

What work experience would you like to share with your new co-workers?
I have about 6 years of experience. I can run almost all landscaping equipment. I take a lot of pride in my work.

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
About 12 years

Click here and go to #7 to hear the phrase spoken out loud

This week's New Hires
New Hires 2/3/2023


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