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New Hires Nov. 14th

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Prounced: w'-mon-ku-eye-ah-tee-nnn-skwe-nnoo-nga "It is very good to see you! Please join me in Welcoming our new hires this week! Ha̓ŋən Cn, Thank you

Click here to hear the phrase! #10

John Grigsby-Screen Shot 2022 11 18 at 3.15.00 PM

First up, we have John Grigsby. John will be joining the TGA Surveillance team as a Surveillance Observer. Welcome to the team John!

What work experience do you want to share with your new co-workers?
I have a substantial background in security

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
I have lived in Bremerton for over 2 years

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share? 
I have been to 8 countries and I enjoy jiu-jitsu

Maureen Mohr

Second, we have Maureen Mohr! She is joining Health Services as the new Dental Assistant. So glad you are joining us at Port Gamble Maureen.

What work experience do you want to share with your new co-workers?
I have been working in the dental field for 8½ years. I spent most of that time working at a dental clinic in Bremerton.

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
I have lived/worked in this area for my entire life.

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
I love to go to spend time in the mountains and at the water. I like to find peace and be alone in the woods. I collect rocks. 

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Coming in third is Julie Weaver. Julie has accepted the position of Surveillance Observer for TGA! Welcome Julie. We wish you the best.

What work experience would you like to share with your new co-workers?
I have experience with cameras and computers

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
I have lived and worked in the area about 6 years

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
1. I have one son who is the most wonderful person in my life :)
2. I'm a great cook!

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New Hire #4 is Makenzee Wellman! Makenzee has accepted the position of On-Call Tribal Custodian with PGST Facilities Department. Welcome Makenzee!

What work experience do you want to share with your new co-workers?
I've worked for a cleaning business before

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
I lived here my whole life, worked a bit for the casinos

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share? 
I like sports
I'm not a morning person

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New hire #5 is Mr Dennis Bendixsen! Dennis has joined Court Services as Community Service Specialist & Court Security Officer. Welcome to the team!

What work experience do you want to share with your new co-workers?
Over 33 years service at Walla Walla Washington State penitentiary. As an Officer/Sargeant, service on the critical incipient stress management South Eastern State Team and Team Leader for 4 years.

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
Moved to Bremerton 2018 to be closer to Tribe & Family. Retired in 2017

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
-27 years as Scout Master so I like the outdoors, camping, and fishing
-30 years as a First Aid Instructor, former EMT
-Grew up in Edmonds
-4 kids, 12 Grandkids
New Hires Nov. 7th, 2022
Congratulations Jessica!

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