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New Hires 3/15/2024

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'Are you well?' Please refer to the link at the bottom of the blog for the correct pronunciation in S'Klallam. Please join me in welcoming this week's new hires!


Please join me in welcoming Kiana Charles. Kiana is a re-hire and has accepted the position of On-Call Custodian in our Facilities department. Good luck in your new position, Kiana! 


Kiana Jones use this


What work experience do you want to share with your new coworkers?
- I have done a lot of office work, so this position and department is new to me! I am excited to be trying something new. 

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
- My entire life. 

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
- I thrive to teach myself all kinds of random things.
- I am a master crafter.
- I am a mother to 4 beautiful S'Klallam children. 


Please join me in welcoming Andrea Smalley. Andrea will be working in her current department still (Health Services) and has accepted the position of Community Health Nurse/Case Manager. Wishing you the best of luck in your new position, Andrea! 


andrea smalley photo


How long have you worked for the Tribe?
- 2 years.

What excites you about your newly acquired position?
- Working more closely with patients.

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
- I have a degree in herbal medicine and I have hopes of integrating this into the clinic. 


Please join me in welcoming Ronald Staggs. Ronald is a new hire and has accepted the position of Facilities Buildings Supervisor in our Facilities department. Good luck in your new position, Ronald! 


Ronald Staggs


What work experience do you want to share with your new coworkers?
- I have been a general contractor in the Hansville area since 2017.

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
- I have lived in Hansville since 2016.

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
- I enjoy backpacking.
- I enjoy fishing. 


Please join me in welcoming Miranda Ives. Miranda is a transfer and has accepted the position of Finfish Biologist I in our Natural Resources department. Wishing you the best of luck in your new position, Miranda! 


Miranda Ives


How long have you worked for the Tribe?
- 2 years.

What excites you about your newly acquired position?
- Learning more about tribal fisheries, getting to spend lots of time outdoors, and mostly getting back to pursuing my education in biology!

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
- I have a 2.5 year old son.
- I love to weave with wool.


Please join me in welcoming Daniel Decoteau Sr. Daniel is a new hire and has accepted the position of NR Shellfish Monitor in our Natural Resources department. Good luck in your new position, Daniel! 


Daniel DeCoteau


What work experience do you want to share with your new coworkers?
- I'd like to share my knowledge and experience with the team.

How long have you lived/worked in the area?
- 50 years.

What are two interesting facts about you that you would like to share?
- My grandmother Alice Fulton taught me everything I know at a very young age. 
- I began my first commercial clam/oyster sale when I was 10 years old. 


Welcome to PGST everyone! We hope you enjoy it here and have long lasting careers. 


Please click here to hear the phrase in S'Klallam - it is #2 on the list.

March 2024 Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Outs
Department Accomplishments For March, 2024!


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