Welcome to our first ever Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Out Blog!
Pronounced: Hot-neeng-sun
Meaning: Thank You
The first ever Haʔ neŋ Cn Shout out will be going to.......
Heather Sullivan
Heather works in early childhood education department. Heather, this is what your fellow employee has to say about you:
Heather Sullivan
Heather works in early childhood education department. Heather, this is what your fellow employee has to say about you:
"Heather is my kiddos teacher and she makes sure she is fed, taken care of and having fun. Thank you for being there when I can't Heather!"
Our next Haʔ neŋ Cn Shout Out will be going to......
Leslie Purser
Leslie works in the CFS department as our Special Needs Advocate. Leslie, this is what your fellow employee has to say about you:
"Leslie consistently goes above and beyond for her clients and their families! Even beyond her working schedule, Leslie has provided assistance without hesitation. Even DURING work hours Leslie took time out of her day to deliver applications for services to my office. Hanen Cn, Thank you! Thank you Leslie for being a genuinely compassionate person!"
Our next Haʔ neŋ Cn Shout Out goes to........
Jessie Lemickson
Jessie Lemickson is a Medical Assistant who works for our Health Services Department. Jessie this is what your fellow employee, Steve Knowlton, has to say about you:
“Jessie always orders the medical supplies for the clinic in a timely manner and restocks the shelves when they come in, we rarely run out of product. She communicates with me daily and is a huge help to me and makes my job a little easier. Jessie is a pleasure to work with and I’m glad she’s on our team!”
Who's next you say? How about.........
Jodi Fulton
Jodi works in the Special Projects Department as PGST’s Events Coordinator. Jodi, this is what Kat Perry has to say about you:
“Jodi always puts in extra time and effort to make sure all events are executed beautifully. A prime example of her hard work and dedication happened when Jodi planned the recent Elder’s Honoring. Jodi stayed late decorating for the honoring and continuing to work throughout the morning of the event to make sure everything was prepared, even though she was being Honored as an Elder herself. All of your hard work is appreciated.”
The next Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Out goes to.......
Rayna Espinosa
Rayna works for the Early Childhood Education department as EC Family Services Worker. Rayna, this is what your fellow employee has to say about you:
“Rayna Espinosa completed a year long journey learning the tools of advocacy with the WA State Association of Head Start/ECEAP in the Parent Ambassador Program. In mid-March she traveled to Washington DC and participated with over 100 Parent Ambassadors from across the country. She is one of only a few tribal representatives in this group! During this trip she visited Representative Dereck Kilmer from the House and she promised to send him a Port Gamble S'Klallam flag for his Washington DC office. He was responsive and grateful! In addition, she had connections with leadership within DHHS and they made promises to assure that AIAN children and families are all served in the important early childhood programs across our native lands.... Rayna is a shining star who brings her heart as she walks in these new paths of lifelong learning!”
Our last but most definitely not least Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Out goes to........
Megan Rohrssen
Megan works for PGST’s Natural Resources Department as the Outreach and Education Coordinator. Megan, this is what your fellow employee has to say about you:
“Megan is a brilliant scientist who gathers information and shares it wholeheartedly. She is partnering with the Early Childhood Education Program (ECE) and can be seen assisting and exploring with our youngest tribal children and teaching staff as they create a new growing garden that will include native plants to enjoy through both gathering and eating. She also has been collaborating with the S'Klallam Worship Center on creating a new trail and assuring that native plants are re-introduced into the area. Please join in and volunteer at any of the many projects Megan is coordinating!”
This concludes our first ever Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Out blog. Please feel free to comment below. Quick reminder, you need to be logged in to make a comment.
This survey will be available year round and reported on a monthly basis! Be on the look out for fliers with the QR code!
Please email: mpurser@pgst.nsn.us for questions or to have the link emailed to you