Pronunciation: Ha-Ning-Sun, Ness-Chy-E-Cha.. "Thank you, my friends."
Please join us in reading about what different departments have accomplished for the month of February, 2023!
Housing Department: 1. Are any grants being utilized? If so, what for? - Annual funding block grant to do maintenance on homes. - The Department of Commerce Grant for metal roofs.
2. Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month? - All housing staff have been working diligently to stay on top of our numerous projects. They all deserve a shoutout. :)
3. Any projects you want to highlight this month? - Our Home Repair Program and our Homeowners Assistance Funds can be used for a variety of home repairs. They assist homeowners in paying insurance, mortgage and utilities.
Keep up the great work, Housing!
Legal Department: 1. Have any goals been met this month? Which individual(s) reached them? - Not in February, but in January, Julie completed revising tribal law to implement VAWA for the tribe to exercise the fullest jurisdiction possible over non-Indians to protect the tribal community.
2. Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month? - Julie Van Winkle sets the standard for employee dedication with her schedule, attitude and work product.
3. Any projects that you want to highlight this month? - The attorneys office is starting work with Council representatives and other staff to rewrite the tribal council policy manual.
Keep up the great work, Legal Team!
Natural Resources Department: 1. Are any grants being utilized? And what for? - Yes, many grants are being utilized by the NR Department for a range of products.
2. Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month? - Mike Jones and the Hatchery Crew for successfully transferring 556,010 coho into our fish pens!
3. Any projects that you want to highlight this month? - The Coho Project, transferring juvenile fish from on shore through a conveyor tube into the net pens for release in 3-4 months.
Keep up the great work, Natural Resources!
Health Services Department: 1. Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training? - 3 CHR's (Molly, Taylor, Jade) have completed the Nursing Assistant Certification program with Martha and Mary. With their new certification they can further assist the Medical team in rooming patients, assisting in patient care and collaborate more with nursing staff. Keep up the great work, Health Services!
Thank you to all of the department directors who took the time to fill out the survey! Our hands go up to everyone for all of the hard work, keep it up! This place wouldn't run as successfully without all of you!