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Department Accomplishments For September, 2023!

"Thank you for being here." Please refer to the link at the bottom of the page for the correct pronunciation in S'Klallam. Let's find out what everyone has been up to for the month of September! 
Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Holly Skinner, infant/toddler teacher, received her ECE AA degree from NWIC. All ECE staff began our year long journey to immerse ourselves in a peer to peer support system. Each month ECE staff will participate and complete individual and group work to strengthen our services for children and families through strengthening each other.

Have any goals been met this month? Which individual(s) helped reach them?
- ECE is working on our program self assessment using the LOVIT WAY tool. All ECE staff have had the opportunity to participate in this process that focuses on our S'Klallam cultural foundation.
- Kaylaya Ives and Emily McBride enrolled in NWIC to begin their journey in completing an ECE certificate for teaching. This is a major ECE goal to have all teaching staff step into this professional development activity. 

Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- We received a small grant to support Indigenizing Professional Development for all of our staff during the 23-24 school year. 

Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- Rayna Espinosa, former ECE Family Services Worker and WSA Parent Ambassador, resigned from her position on 9/13. She has taken a leadership role in the WA State DCYF Department as the Tribal Early Learning Fund Coordinator. This is an example of emerging leadership and advocacy that is meaningful. We thank Rayna for her years of service and know that she will return to work for PGST again. 
- Heather Sullivan, ECE Preschool Teacher, started her journey this fall to accomplish her BS Degree in Early Childhood with the Salish/Kootenai College. 
- Also wanted to give a shoutout to the ECE management staff who started the 23-24 school year with fun activities for families and children. They also got together on Saturday, 9/9, for the anual car parade through the reservation to bring awareness to the prevention of fetal alcohol effects. 
Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Joe Ives and Matias Miguel completed their Washington State Equivalency course and are both certified and recognized as Washington State Peace officers. 

Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- For supplies. 
Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Courtney Hart successfully completed her PHD thesis on how PSP interferes with Alask'a geoduck fishery.
- The Shellfish Program staff attended the Pacific Coast Shellfish Grower's conference in Seaside, OR. 

Have any goals been met this month? Which individual(s) helped reach them?
- The shellfish program successfully met all its public and private surveying responsibilities.
- Josh Carter completed the Stantec database contract. 
- Marla Powers helped to get the Middle Creek Culvert grant awarded to PGST. 

Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- We are utilzing the EPA Puget Sound Research and Monitoring for an Admiralty Inlet and Hood Canal Nearshore Habitat Assessment and the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery funding for the Hood Canal Bridge Project. 
- We also used Navy mitigation money to purchase 8.7 million manila clam seeds for dispersal on four tidelands in Port Gamble Bay and Hood Canal. 

Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- We'd like to give shoutouts to Kaitlyn Gutierrez and Makenzee Wellman for their hard work coordinating the details of the remodel and move in and for keeping the office running smoothly. 
- We'd also like to highlight Julianna Sullivan for taking on the task of coordinating our fisheries sampling effort, a critical aspect of our fisheries management responsibilities. 

Any projects that you completed this month?
- The Natural Resources Department completed their strategic planning process and developed a 5-year strategic plan. 
- Shane Baze and Garrett Sitting Dog coordinated and planned the S'Klallam Days fishing derby. 
Thank you to every department that has participated this far. We appreciate all the hard work that PGST staff is putting in, keep it up! Don't forget to keep an eye out for next month's blog. :)
New Hires 9/29/2023
New Hires 10/11/2023


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