'Respect.' Please refer to the link at the bottom of the page for the correct pronunciation in S'Klallam. Let's find out what everyone has been up to for the month of October.
Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- Heronswood's annual Halloween event, Haunted Heronswood, is our biggest event of the year and the whole Heronswood/Foundation team worked very hard to pull it off. This year, we had the largest attendance ever, keeping staff very busy. However, they were efficient and professional and created an event that was hugely enjoyed by both Tribal members and the wider public. We also raised significant funds for the garden. I'd really like to thank everyone involved, including many volunteers, for making it such a success!
Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Shelaya Landers completed Honoring Indigenous Families, Cultures and Sovereignty.
Have any goals been met this month?
- We have started the Elders Chair Volleyball League and will be setting up games to play against the Suquamish Elders.
Are any grants being utilized?
- Yes, CFS has many grant programs.
Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- Shelaya Landers started the Chair Volleyball League. Sue Hanna and Elaine Fulton got the calendars out for November and December for our elders.
Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Roma and Christina attended an online Excel training. Emma, Courtney, George and Ted attended CPR/First Aid training. Several staff members attended the Domestic Violence training. And shellfish staff trained to maneuver boat trailers.
Have any goals been met this month? Which individual(s) reached them?
- The Environmental Program held a Hazardous Waste clean up event. Courtney continued to work on crustacean co-management and assisted Jamestown biologist and fishers with a post season spot prawn test fishery. Richard Ogle was hired as our new Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator and Leah Mellinger was hired as the new Finfish Program Manager.
Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- EPA Hazardous Waste grant funds were used for a community hazardous waste event. Navy/LWI money was used to spread 3,000 bags of seeded oyster cultch on Port Gamble Heritage Park and Anderson Landing Tidelands. We are using BIA Endangered Species and BIA Timber Fish and Wildlife Funding for Fish Habitat Programs.
Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- Ted Seachord received the Ted George Legacy Award for perpetuating tribal sovereignty, preserving culture and protecting treaty rights in his nearly 30 years as the Tribe's Geoduck Monitor. Khadijah has been learning how to tag adult chum salmon for the Hood Canal Bridge project. Marla helped secure RAISE Grant Funding for designing the Middle Creek restoration.
Any projects that you completed this month?
- The Research and Monitoring program completed their 2020 tribal projects for restoration and protection of Puget Sound. The NR Department completed its draft 2024 budget.
Thank you to everyone that has participated thus far. We appreciate all of the hard work that PGST staff is putting in. Keep it up! Don't forget to keep an eye out for next month's blog.
Please click here to hear the phrase in S'Klallam - it is #1833 on the list.