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Department Accomplishments for June, 2024!

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'Thank you for being here.' Please refer to the link at the bottom of the blog for the correct pronunciation in S'Klallam. 
Please join me in reading about what our Early Childhood Center has been up to for the month of July!
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Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Rayna Espinosa received her Advanced Klallam Language certificate, and is now a certified language teacher.

Have any goals been met this month? Who reached them? 
- Staff attended trainings for our social/emotional curriculum and gained very valuable knowledge to pass on to our program. 

Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- The Tribal Early Learning Fund grant has brought us 10 new canoe wagons and 2 play canoes for the playgrounds. We have been able to continue giving honorariums to the elders that have been spending time with children.

Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- SHOUT OUT TO ALL OF OUR TEACHERS. You all are doing a fantastic job providing services to our children and families. A special thank you to Mistaya, Jody, Holly and Kalina for always being here.

Any projects that you completed this month?
- Our program hosted a Family Beach Day and Clam Bake where families played games and shared a meal while also spending quality time outdoors. 
Thank you to our ECE for your participation. I know it was a busy ending to the month. Keep an eye out for next month's blog. :)
June 2024 Ha̓ʔ nəŋ Cn Shout-Outs
New Hires 7/16/2024


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