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Department Accomplishments For February, 2024!

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'Are you well?' Please refer to the link at the bottom of the blog for the correct pronunciation in S'Klallam. Please join me in reading about what Natural Resources and Court Services accomplished for the month of February! 
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Have any employees received a certification this month? Or completed a training?
- Emma Saas and Courtney Hart attended a two day European Green Crab training with other Tribal/State/Federal agencies to gear up for PGST's summer 2024 trapping efforts. Richard Ogle completed Stream Steward training and will work to complete 20 hours of volunteer work to graduate from the program. Garrett Sitting Dog and Richard Ogle received their Hunter Education Instructor certification. 

Have any goals been met this month? Which individual(s) reached them?
- Miranda Ives was hired into our Finfish Biologist I position and Nikki Vennemen was hired into our Forest and Conservation Program Manager position. The Research and Monitoring team completed the first round of data analysis on the Acoustic Startle Response Hood Canal Bridge Project. This project is investigating if a non-harmful acoustic device can deter seals from feeding on salmon at the Hood Canal Bridge. 

Are any grants being utilized? What for?
- BIA grant fundings are being used to fund a Buckskin Training class for youth and a Hunter Education class for all ages that Wildlife and Environmental programs are planning. The Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery grant was utilized for the Hood Canal Bridge project and the EPA Puget Sound R&M grant was utilized for the Kelp Project. 

Want to highlight or give a shoutout to any individuals this month?
- We want to give a shoutout to Shane Baze for his positive attitude and dedication to processing BlueView hydroacoustic files. 

Any projects that you completed this month?
- Construction was finished on our A-frame house system and installed on our research vessel. Marla Powers and Roma Call, along with Laura Price and Misty Ives, attended a public meeting regarding the Blackpoint Project in Brinnon. We will continue to communicate concerns about impacts related to the Statesman Group's plans to develop a resort on the property. 
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From Chris Barone:
'I am proud to say that PGST was a local host for the American Probation and Parole Assn (APPA) 2024 Winter Institute in Seattle this February 25-28.  The Canoe Family came and opened the conference up in a good way, which was followed by Court Services staff volunteering for the conference, Val Ogle and Selina Ramirez as co-presenters with Dr. Alyssa Benedict about Native Women and Incarceration.  Val, Selina, and I co-hosted a session later that week on Reentry from an Indigenous Lens – PGST Road to New Beginnings. 

PGST Reentry has become a national model for Native American Reentry and we will be working to train other Tribal communities in Washington State, and maybe even nationally.  The Tribe’s Reentry program is known for its holistic, trauma informed approach to welcoming those impacted by the criminal justice system back into the community. 

It was a wonderful week and I appreciate being able to share the information with the community and the successes of two former reentry graduates, who now work in the program and are compassionate and committed advocates for those in recovery.'


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Thank you to each and every department that has participated thus far. I enjoy reading about what you have all been up to, especially those that we don't have regular contact with! Keep up the hard work everyone! Don't forget to check back next month, how many new hires will we see then? Comment below! :)


Please click here to hear the phrase in S'Klallam - it is #2 on the list.

3/1/2024 New Hires
March 2024 Haʔ nəŋ Cn Shout Outs

Comments 1

Shannon Sumner on Monday, 01 April 2024 11:47

Great photos!

Great photos!